Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever. Lent officially ends April 13th. On Thursday April 14th we begin the Sacred Triduum of Holy...
Laetare Sunday
This weekend is Laetare Sunday. It marks the Fourth Sunday in Lent, and is really known as the halfway point. If I remember correctly,...
Ash Wednesday Times - Flint Area
Wednesday, March 2nd 8:00 am Mass (with ashes) - St. Pius X 10:30 am Mass (with ashes) - SJV 12:00 pm Mass (with ashes) - Christ the King...
SYNOD 2023
WHAT IS A SYNOD? In May 2021, Pope Francis invited bishops from every diocese in the world to begin a process, called a synod, to spend...
2021 Contribution Statements
Once again this year, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we cannot print out the 2021 contribution statements and put them in the vestibule of...
Christmas Masses 2021
CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES - FRIDAY DEC 24TH 4:00 p.m. Children's Mass at St. John Vianney Campus 4:00 p.m. Children's Mass at St. Mary Mission...
Giving Tuesday
Consider donating to the church this #GivingTuesday! Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving where people are encouraged to...
Prayer for the Dead
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever. After Christmas, Americans spend the most money on the occasion of Halloween. We spend more on...
Music Ministry
Come see how you can join the hearts and minds of our parish through music ministry! Here's how you can help: If you are a teenager or...