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Getting Together

Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever.

Hard to believe less than a month school starts for our children. I would like to invite members of our parish to a dinner after the 4:00 p.m. Mass on August 26th. The purpose is simply to gather together. Before the pandemic we used to have a dinner every spring to thank everyone who volunteered during the year. The pandemic put an end to our gathering. In fact, statistics say that the pandemic had a dramatic effect upon church attendance upon all denominations and one of the hardest hit denominations were the Catholics. The pandemic put an end to many aspects of our lives and yes lives of so many. But we need to begin anew. Please note, I did not say begin again. So, it is time to gather in fellowship with a meal.

The church will pay for this meal. (Actually, you pay for it when you contribute.) I have one simple request. Please let us know if you will attend so that we can order the appropriate amount of food. Please call the office at 810-235-1812 by Wednesday August 23rd. It will be a night in which we gather to remember the communion that is ours as members of His Church. I might say a few words, but it will be brief.

I hope to see you there! You're all in my prayers and heart.

May Holy Mary, Mother of Flint pray for us and hold us together.

Fr. Tom


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