2022 Contribution Statements
Happy New Year! After the first of the year your 2022 Contribution Statements will be available if you
need one. Here’s how you can get yours:
1. You may email your request for a statement at stjohnvianney@flintcatholic.org, and we will
email it back to you.
2. Call us at the St. John Vianney parish office 235-1812, and we will send it out to you at your
home address. You may even call after office hours and leave a message for us.
3. You may also stop by the St. John Vianney parish office and pick up your statement. Office
hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you give us a call ahead of time, we
will have it waiting for you.
Please have all of your 2022 contributions into the Parish Office by Sunday, January 22, 2023. Thank you
for your support!