Servants of God's Love
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever.
Next weekend following the 10:30 am Mass at St. Matthew's we will have a reception welcoming to Flint The Servants of God's Love. They are a small community of religious sisters that were founded in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I am deeply grateful to Sr. Dorcey Clarey (Superior for the Community) and their governing council to make this momentous decision to join our efforts in building the Catholic Community of Flint. Please come by and say hello to these sisters. In particular, three sisters will be living at the Convent at St. Matthew's. They are: Sr. Sarah Burdick, Sr. Christina Frey and Sr. Lisa Zelfa. Yes, I did say convent! The former rectory at St. Matthew's will henceforth be a dedicated convent. This required some changes to the rectory, as the sisters need their privacy. Thus the offices at St. Matthew's are now at the back door. Please do not use the front door in the future. Since the Augustinians left Flint, there has been no religious community here. As your pastor, I believe it is essential that we have a religious community here in our midst that will have a dedication to prayer each day on our behalf. I know many of you pray, but you also have other responsibilities, whereas this community of sisters makes prayer their prime responsibility. If Flint is to RISE again, it must begin with prayer to our Risen Lord. So my dear people these sisters are here for you.
The "Servants" are under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Lansing. Bishop Boyea has given his blessing to the sisters to be here and he will later this summer formally install their community and the convent in Flint. Please note that the reception follows the Mass at St. Matthew's and will be on the grounds at St. Matthew's, but these sisters are here for the entire Catholic Community of Flint. Thus those attending the 11:00 am Mass at St. John Vianney should feel free to stop by after Mass as the sisters will still be there. And those at St. Michael's and St. Mary's I would hope will also stop by and greet our sisters. WE must continue to renew our Catholic presence in Flint. I am grateful for the intercessory prayer of Mary, Mother of Flint. Our Lady is watching over us and bringing her Incarnate Son to bless us and give us peace. I will be more at peace knowing that the Servants of God's Love will be with us in prayer.
You are all in my prayers and heart.
Fr. Tom
Pictured above:
Sr. Christina Frey, Sr. Sarah Burdick, and Sr. Lisa Zelfa