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Oktoberfest- Fundraiser!

Did You Know? We are in need of items, large or small, for the live and silent auctions. If you have something you would like to donate, you can drop it off at St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center, the office at St. John Vianney or we will pick it up. For pick-up, call Dan Cady 810.516.2226.

Octoberfest is the major fundraiser for the St Luke N.E.W. Life Center. The St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center is an outreach ministry of the Saint John Vianney Catholic Community of Flint.

Tickets have been mailed to all parishioners. Freshly grilled steak or chicken dinner is included. In addition we will have raffles, silent and live auctions and door prizes. Octoberfest will be held in the commons area at the new Luke M. Powers Catholic High School, 1505 W. Court Street on Sunday, October 9th from Noon-4 PM. If you need to order tickets, please call St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center at 810.239.8710. Did you know that you may pay for your tickets by dropping your check in the collection basket? Please turn in your tickets by Sunday, October 2nd.

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