From the Pastor
Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever. We are already halfway through lent! Before you know it, here comes Holy Week. What we often do not realize is that Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil are seen as one event called the Sacred Triduum. Sadly, the church will be full on Easter Sunday, but for these other events on Holy Thursday and Good Friday the church will be lacking in attendance. It is what I have been saying: "we want the Resurrection, but let's forget about that dying stuff." What we recognize on Holy Thursday is that Our Lord Jesus Christ was aware that he would soon be facing death and His love for us was manifested in leaving us the Eucharist. Then on Good Friday the Lord made the ultimate sacrifice. These two days represent the love that Our Lord Jesus Christ had for us. Easter Sunday is the manifestation of the Father's love for His Son. It always saddens me that we do not recognize the love that Our Lord Jesus Christ had for us. Why is that? I am afraid that we take love for granted. Do we really want love in our life? Love requires work. Love requires sacrifice. Love requires vulnerability. Love requires death. It's no wonder why we shy away from love. A husband stays with his buddies at the bar. His wife is at home with the kids and could use some help. What does love require? An unwed mother is costing the father money. He gives her money for the abortion. What does love require? Are we really willing to die for another? (Romans 5:7- 8) When I see the crowds on Holy Thursday and Good Friday, I wonder. You are all in my prayers and heart. May Mary Mother of Flint bless you and those you love. Fr. Tom